Newsletter for the week beginning Sunday 30th June – The Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul

MASS TIMES: SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL 6.00pm Lipsett and Heath families. 8.30am 50th Wedding Anniversary (J&C). 10.30am People of this Parish. MONDAY   7.00pm Feria Nancy Turbitt. TUESDAY   10.00am Feria Maureen Callaghan. WEDNESDAY  9.00am Saint Thomas, Apostle P J Griffin. THURSDAY  10.00am  in Church Feria Eva Dunne. FRIDAY   11.30am Requiem Mass for Mary Tansey. SATURDAY 10.00am Feria Maura McKevitt. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6.00pm Tess and Vincent Sharkey. 8.30am People of the Parish. 10.30am Michael Moyles.

CONFESSION – 5.15pm on Saturday or contact Father Neil (0121351 2161) or email  to arrange a mutually convenient time and place.


CHILDREN’S LITURGY SUMMER PARTY – Sunday June 30th following Mass at 10.30am. Holy Cross Church Hall / Garden £2.00 per child. To ensure we have sufficient adult/child ratios, please complete the form which can be found on the table in the porch.  It should be returned in an envelope with payment, to a Liturgy Group Leader asap.

Sunday 7th July and the Cream Tea sale to follow 10.30am Mass. The cost will be £2.50 to be held in the church hall following 10.30am Mass.

GENERAL ELECTION 2024 – It is vitally important that we, as Catholics, fulfil our obligations as members of British Society. Everyone who is eligible to vote, should do so.  When thinking about who to vote for, please take into account how they view or support Catholic moral teachings.

CATHOLIC SUTTON COLDFIELD – FORTHCOMING EVENTS – JULY A walk from Holy Trinity to Sutton Park followed by a picnic. AUGUST ‘Songs of Praise’ at Holy Cross followed by refreshments in the Church Hall. AUGUST A quiz hosted by Saint Nicholas Parish, Boldmere –‘How Catholic are you?’

RACHEL’S VINEYARD    HURT BY ABORTION – Contact Rachel on 07734 059 080

READERS AT THIS WEEKEND’S MASSES are: TEAMS 6.00pm R2   8.30am R8   10.30am R13

MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION are: TEAMS 6.00pm   EM1   8.30am EM7 10.30am EM14

MASS ATTENDANCE   June 22nd / 23rd  6.00pm 103  8.30am 96 10.30am 136

OSCOTT MUSEUM VOLUNTEERS – We are looking for about 6 – 12 volunteers to help with the Museum Tours and other events at Oscott. You may be aware of recently retired parishioners or others to whom this might appeal. All relevant information can be found on the Oscott Website

SAINT OF THE WEEK – Saint Thomas, Apostle.  Among the Apostles, Saint Thomas is remembered mainly because of his doubts about the resurrection of Christ.  He did not want to admit anything that went beyond the bounds of his experience and reason. Eight days later, he made up for that unbelief with a profession of faith, ‘’My Lord and My God’’. According to tradition, he preached the Gospel in India where he suffered martyrdom. His feast is celebrated on July 3rd.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH – May the Lord grant them consolation, peace and healing and to all involved in health care in hospital or in the community, grace, strength and perseverance.

IN MEMORIAM – Please pray for the repose of the souls of parishioners whose anniversaries occur at this time: Ellen Hull, Elizabeth Daly, William Adkins, Ronald Scoley Pine, Doreen Hopwood, Rev. Christopher McCormack, Vincent Leaver, Winifred Berry, Mary Gilchrist, Mary Gray, Cissie Wood, Maurice Healy, Michael Moyles, Ellen Finnegan, Eva Dunne, Joseph Iafrati, Desmond Bowes and  Beryl Hale.

+ REST IN PEACE + Please pray for the repose of the souls of Mary Tansey and Guiseppe Agnello who died recently. Mary will be received into church this Thursday July 4th at 4.00pm. Her Requiem Mass will be celebrated here on Friday July 5th at 11.30am. Guiseppe’s Requiem Mass will be celebrated here on Monday July 8th at 12.30pm.