Guild of St Stephen (Altar Servers)

Altar servers play a most important part in the Church’s Liturgy. Good servers enable bishops, priests and laity to celebrate the Mass and other sacraments with a spirit of prayer. This means that altar servers, too, should be prayerful people and be aware of the wonderful gifts God gives us in the liturgy. For well over 150 years the Archconfraternity of St Stephen has worked for the highest standards in serving the liturgy and leads to a deeper understanding of what we are really doing when we come together to worship God.

Our parish is blessed with many young and not-so-young altar servers who serve on our altar week days as well as weekends. Boys and girls, having made their first holy communion, are welcome at any time to train as servers on our altar. Any not-so-young ex-servers who would like to return to serving on our altar will be most welcome and a refresher course will be provided. For further information please contact Val McAlister after the weekend masses or Fr Neil 0121 351 2161.